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A dental extraction is a procedure where a single tooth, or multiple teeth are removed from the upper or lower jaws of the oral cavity. Dentists always try to save natural teeth from being extracted, but in certain cases, there is either a need for extraction, or no other choice. Some of the most common reasons why teeth may have to be extracted include:
Extensive damage by decay or caries
Supernumerary, or congenitally present extra teeth
Retained deciduous teeth
Space gaining for orthodontic procedures, to relieve arch crowding
Severe mobility
Unresolved abscess and infection
Vertical fractures of the teeth
Impaction of third molars
There are two ways of performing extractions at a clinic. If the tooth is whole, and clearly visible in the oral cavity, it can be removed with the help of simple surgical instruments such as elevators and forceps. This technique is known as Simple Extraction.
However, if the tooth is broken, or present below the gum (such as in case of retained teeth and impactions), surgeons must create an incision to gain access to the tooth. This may require additional instruments, followed by sutures to close the removed tooth area. This technique is known as Surgical Extraction. Prior to the extraction, local anesthesia is administered at the site of surgery to numb the region, and to make sure the patient is comfortable, and radiographs are taken to determine the position, state and location of the tooth below the gum.
At Salado Creek Dental, we take all the measures necessary to ensure swift healing of the socket without complications, followed by consultation for replacement of the missing tooth if needed. If you have lost a natural tooth to decay or periodontal infection, we recommend that you look into tooth replacement options as soon as possible. We offer tooth colored dental bridges, dentures and implants for complete restoration of masticatory function and aesthetics. Call and book an appointment with one of our team members at Salado Creek Dental!