Take Home Teeth Whitening

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Who doesn’t like a sparkling, pearly-white, celebrity-like smile? Teeth whitening is one of the most common procedures performed at dental offices today, and take-home whitening kits are just as popular. What’s better than being in the comfort of your home, and getting a brighter, more attractive-looking smile within a matter of minutes?

‘Bleaching’ kits are readily available and easy to use. They target generalized discoloration and staining to give patients a smile that is several shades brighter than before. Results vary from person to person depending upon the nature of these stains, the extent of discoloration and the shade of the teeth at the starting of the procedure. Extrinsic dental staining can occur due to:


Inadequate oral hygiene maintenance


Excessive smoking and use of tobacco products


Frequent intake of naturally/artificially colored food/drinks such as tea, coffee, wine and flavored drinks

Take-home teeth whitening kits come with a peroxide-based gel. When this gel comes in contact with the surface of the teeth, it breaks down stains that make your smile appear dull. You will be able to see the difference soon as you remove the gel from your teeth.

If you’ve got a special day coming up, or simply wish to make your smile brighter – you can get your very own whitening kit at Salado Creek Dental, complete with an easy-to-follow manual so you get the best results at home. If you have any questions about the safety of the treatment, or how it works – feel free to give us a call and we’ll be happy to help you out!

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